Modern front-end framework trends and their features

Photo by Ramón Salinero on Unsplash

Modern front-end framework trends and their features

Jan 8, 2023

I term tools like react and vue view-driven, rather than frameworks. The framework must typically give a comprehensive application architectural design, whereas the view-driven solution is the rendering mode of the view, the data-driven rendering mode, and the event response mode. Of course, we may construct an upper-level framework based on view-driven. Some frameworks, such as remix and NextJS, have emerged on the market in the last two years. In my opinion, the current generation of front-end frameworks are consistent in several ways. It may be claimed that as the front-end develops, it flows to a new model, or a model that emerges spontaneously.

The basic characteristics of the new generation of front-end framework

Recently, I've focused on frameworks like as remix, liveview, asta, flareact, ilc, Shopify Hydrogen, and others. They are not restricted to developing a view rendering mode, but aspire to better integrate business at the business level, which is a big trend in them. Instead of focusing on technical efforts at the view-driven level, realise the business capabilities it requires on its own. Its primary characteristics are as follows:

  • SSR
  • Microservice
  • React style flow
  • Cloud rendering

Next, We'll look at the technological concepts behind these functionalities.

Front-end framework SSR trend

The rapidly developing front-end frameworks must either support or collaborate with SSR, and they are SSR frameworks themselves. Actually, server-side rendering was the first version of web rendering. Around 2013-14, I first became interested in web development. At the time, the web interface was generated using the PHP framework. It can be incredibly efficient if the front and back ends of php and js work together. Complete page creation. However, in 2014, the whole front-end began to evolve in the direction of SPA, and under the leadership of angularjs, the template engine became the front-end infrastructure, kicking off the trend of front-end and back-end separation. On the surface, the separation of the front-end and back-end implies that the back-end simply outputs api interfaces, while the front-end requests these interfaces to pull data using ajax technologies to generate the required interface. However, as it progressed to 2018, the massive SPA system caused different challenges, and the expansion of the entire technological area, SSR returned to everyone's vision, but unlike the early SSR, the present SSR is dominated by the front end, and the research subject. More about how to render the interface more effectively is still in the front-end category, but it borrows certain server capabilities, and the essence of the front and back ends stays unaltered.

Why is there a push towards SSR? Certain argue that a big number of businesses require SEO services, but I believe the more essential issue is that the rendering style of some SPAs is extremely sluggish, resulting in a poor user experience.

SSR technology development in the next stage has likewise gone through several stages.  SSR and SSG are the two techniques that evolved in the software development community to solve this very problem. What are they?

What is Server-Side Rendering?

SSR enables you to display JavaScript code on the server and provide the user indexable HTML. Thus, the HTML is created in-place so that both users and search engines may access it simultaneously.

Such a procedure needed a lot of fine-tuning and had problems with server traffic, on-demand content, caching, or even the design of the application itself until Next.js came along. Without a doubt, it was possible, but it would have been good if one could have used that time to create business logic instead.

What is Static Site Generation?

The primary distinction between SSR and SSG is that with the latter, HTML is created at build time rather than runtime. These websites load incredibly quickly since the HTML content is provided even before you submit a request. On the other hand, each time a change is made, the website must be completely rebuilt and refreshed. Therefore, compared to websites that rely on SSR, SSG-based websites are far less engaging and native-like. They have little to no dynamic information and are primarily static websites.

Based on the trend, the method of front-end development has also evolved, from the necessity to write server-side and client-side code at the same time to merely needing to create server-side code and then no need to consider creating any browser-related code. This transition, or future front-end development trend, will diminish the browser-specific element of present front-end development from one side, making the development itself thinner. Furthermore, depending on this tendency, it is more important to discuss front-end and back-end.

Front-end framework micro-service trend

The modification of the front-end architecture enables the front-end to be competent for numerous back-end application layer functions. The backend is increasingly converging on the underlying services, and the application layer's business may be passed over to the frontend. Services connect via non-http interfaces, and new organisational forms can be gained as a result of the popularity of the microservice architecture. The maturation of infrastructure, such as serverless, makes it easier for the front-end to establish a service that meets specific business objectives. Furthermore, after service-oriented, many dependencies have grown more refined, and there is even only one calling method, resulting in the maximum level of business encapsulation.

This is also true for front-end frameworks. The majority of frameworks aspire to be a framework that can be readily deployed as microservices. Based on this notion, developers may give services to other business modules immediately after installing framework-dependent services. The interface component of the given material is immediately included in the business capabilities developed by yourself. Calling microservices is as simple and elegant as calling components.

My own prediction is that in the future, the front-end framework will not only support individual business microservices, but will also support the architecture of connecting microservices, allowing for the rapid generation of many sites.

Front-end framework react stylized

The coding style tends to evolve in the direction of jsx+hooks. Most modern frameworks, by default, employ jsx to define the interface structure and hooks to control the data or status retrieved from the database. This stylistic tendency is already visible and noticeable.

Because ssr generally created HTML pages in the form of concatenated strings in the early days, everyone felt that template-based frameworks, such as solid and other frameworks, had more benefits, but once the pattern of concatenated strings was broken, jsx is essentially js. The benefits of syntactic sugar are underlined since it may be patched to the browser in the form of a stream throughout the rendering process, achieving the effect of initially presenting the first screen and then continuing to draw, which substantially enhances the experience. The majority of frameworks, including liveview, adhere to the react style. You may experience the effect of invoking the remote capability in the rendering thread as well as in electron in these frameworks. While writing comparable browser-side methods, you may directly contact the server-side capabilities to execute some particular actions.

Cloud rendering

This is completely mirrored in liveview. This is how you can grasp it. Every action you perform will be serialised into a short bit of json and sent to the backend after it has finished rendering. Following receipt, the backend will immediately The backend renders the interface based on this portion of json, then compares it to the previous rendering result and sends the patch back to the browser, where the script in the browser uses it to finish the interface change. This mode has been in the PHP world for quite some time. Livewire's framework is built on Laravel. It functions in the manner described above, but its back-end logic is in the style of laravel, while the majority of the front-end structure is in the style of react.

This method has an unusual welfare impact, which is "real-time multicast," which is particularly flexible in collaborative editing and online education, such as data changes caused by our activities on our own sites. It is directly recorded into the backend database, and the change is reflected in the new rendering result. Because the pages seen by various users share the same database data, the framework will convey new changes to the current user even if the change is not triggered by the current user's action in order to preserve real-time performance. In certain cases, the welfare impact is incredibly miraculous, and it may be produced immediately based on the capabilities of the framework without any architectural design.

Of course, there are some drawbacks, particularly in a poor network environment, because every action requires communication with the backend, and rendering is finished by the cloud, so if the network is slow, the frontend will not see the real-time change impact, which is extremely important. It is no longer friendly, thus instead of pursuing new ones, we should select the framework based on our own scenario.


The popularity of react and vue peaked in 2019. At the time, we assumed that the front-end development would follow a similar pattern. Latecomers, according to the Matthew effect, must be unable to catch up with respond or vue, yet In less than three years, the market for front-end frameworks has changed dramatically. On the one hand, this transformation is the outcome of the community's ongoing investigation, but it also demonstrates that there is no such thing as an impossible breakthrough. Furthermore, the front-end field is clearly separated from the back-end. After 2010, 4-5 generations were reversed in just 12 years, demonstrating the field's young and potential progress. Only by keeping a mindset of constant learning will we be better able to deal with and accept any new technology that may emerge in the future.

Anurag Deep

Logical by Mind, Creative by Heart